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New Year's Resolution: BE AN ACTIVE DAD!

Updated: Jan 29, 2021


Most people wrongly assume that the mother will automatically be awarded full custody in a divorce or child custody case. While it may seem as if mothers are usually awarded full custody, this is not always the case in Florida. Family law judges in Florida will typically agree to arrangements believed to be in the best interest of the child. The child has the right to enjoy a relationship with both parents. In most cases where a father loses custody of the child, there is usually behavior that the court considers harmful to the child. These behaviors include child abuse, drug abuse, sexual abuse and physical or emotional abuse.

In cases where there is no abuse or adverse behavior, many fathers miss out on quality time with their children because they either can not or do not exert their father's rights. Sometimes this occurs as a result of the father naively underestimating his ex. In other cases, a father may be thrust into a complicated legal system and overwhelmed by the end of his relationship. The combination of these factors leaves the father confused about how to present his case and stuck silent. This silence and inactivity will usually leave the father in a position where his father's rights are in jeopardy.


An attorney can offer assistance with parenting plans. An attorney may ask questions to help determine if full custody is the best option for their children and unique situation. An attorney may also help them navigate the challenges of co-parenting with their ex. An attorney can also assist their client if they believe their ex is an unfit parent.

The Dad Law firm may be able to help you secure time to spend with your child. Reach out to us, explain the situation, provide us with a few details, and we will see if we can help. Contact The DAD LAW Firm today and schedule a consultation at 1-844-LAW-4DAD (1-844-529-4323).

©2021 The Dad Law Firm.

The information on this website is for general information only. Nothing on this site should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation. The receipt or viewing of this information does not constitute an attorney-client relationship. We are child custody, visitation, and, men’s and fathers’ rights lawyers. While we serve Central Florida as a whole, our office is in Winter Springs Florida.

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